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Talent idea
  Hiring managers and recruiters can conduct first-round interviews more quickly,save on transportation costs, and make the process much faster by using videoconferencing rather than scheduling in-person interviews, said Chen,HR director at Auto Co Ltd in YueQing
Staff development
  The essence of the mode is to add career-managing system to educationai trainingso that educationai training and the development of an organization and its staffcan be integrated into one organic system.The Human Resources department plays a key role in the development of ourpeople, with training and development that is innovative and extensive, permeatingevery level.
Talent recruitment
[2010-3-8] · 车间主任
[2010-3-8] · 车间主任
[2010-3-8] · 车间主任
[2010-3-8] · 车间主任
[2010-3-8] · 车间主任


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